Harnessing the Importance of Referral Marketing

Harnessing the Importance of Referral Marketing
August 1, 2018 Plus Acuity
acuity referral marketing

Referral Marketing is the act of directing a client or customer to a product, service or company following a satisfactory or excellent experience after patronage.
Referral is the best and reliable way of advertising because people tend to believe testimony and feedback from friends and relatives, especially if the referrer is not linked or a member of the company being referred.
Referrals are always done by satisfied clients through word-of-mouth as testimonials and reviews. It is the oldest and most trusted method of promoting a product.
The internet is a platform for online referral marketing for customers to share their favorite products by providing scripted messages testifying about the satisfaction gotten from the products.
Offline referrals are also important because whether we believe it or not, not everyone is digital.
As a service provider, it is important that you render your service in the best possible way with expertise; void of loopholes because a satisfied client can bring more customers than you can ever imagine. What happens is; the satisfied client does the marketing indirectly for you at no cost, the prospective client believes everything that is said because it is most times from a known friend or relative and because they trust their friends or family members, they count on them and accept whatever they are told.
Also, imperatively, always try to check on your clients and ask about their welfare so they feel loved and have a sense of belonging as a family and not just business partners. Even if it takes you to attend their events, do it with love and enthusiasm, relax and watch them bring customers to you without stress. Referral marketing is the best, oldest and most reliable form of marketing. All it requires is for you to maintain good relationship with your customers, provide good services at a reasonable cost, relax and watch as exceptional feedback and massive patronage come your way.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks, it is quite informative

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